Where many are still wondering on how to be the green superhero many have proven to be the disruptors of today and one such person is the founder of noida based kagzi bottles pvt. Ltd. (Founded – 2016), Samiksha Ganeriwal who has been able to make a 100% compostable paper bottle.
Extensive research and development by Samiksha and here team since 2018 bore sweet fruit when she created the viable, eco-friendly bottle which can be the alternative to plastic packaging for the FMCG (Fast-moving consumer goods) which was better in quality and cheaper in price then any of its counterparts yet being developed.
Though we were not able to directly get in touch with the innovator, her research is a proof of her stance and commitment to sustainability all over the globe starting with pan India.
They are made from wastepaper and other industrial waste which is used to create a pulp which is then coated with a proprietary waterproofing solution. This solution is said to be inspired by the banana leaves and is a patented technology of the company.
It is India’s first successful development of paper bottles, which is the need of the hour as studies suggest that the plastic waste landing in the environment is on the rise and so is the temperature and the environmental catastrophes. An innovation of such caliber can do wonders in the market though there will be many challenges to face but I am sure that entrepreneurs like Samiksha are there to innovate and make a more sustainable future for mankind.
According to research in 2019 54.9 Million plastic bottles are produced in an hour and 486 billion in a year out of 80% of them are polluting the environment. Which is one of the leading reasons for global warming and the shift in the underwater living organisms count. To tackle this Sustainable approaches like Kagzi Bottles need to be encouraged and supported in all possible ways. SO we would like you all to cheer “India’s first eco-friendly, sustainable and 100% compostable replacement to CoinPal single-use plastic bottles” – kagzi bottles which only cost 19-22 rupees per bottle for a sustainable solution to a hazardous problem/ waste.
Would like to thank Samiksha for her innovation and her efforts towards a sustainable future.
We at concepts and careers have always tried to bring value and revving the series of blogs finding the disruptors of the society wanted to bring to you the first story in a long time to be aimed at not just profitability but also at sustainability because at the end both need to go hand in hand for survival hope we brought to you value by bringing this to our readers.