Introduction to API
May 24, 2020
Block Negative Air in Your Mind
May 28, 2020 is an artificial intelligence powered voice assistant platform that can change how your call centers operate and convert leads. It employs technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and additional qualitative analysis techniques to ensuring the maximizing results from each call. The era of data is here and there are many startups actually benefiting from it by deploying the right tools at the right places, that is what we will be seeing in today’s cover which is a startup based on similar guidelines. They are the ones preparing call centers for the future by utilizing the time and resources in the present.

How it Works? provides the customers or call centers with a platform that is instantly deployable in the already deployed system with use of SFTP, API, or S3 replication for delivering recordings and metadata. These recordings are then in real-time be analyzed and transcribed data insights within milliseconds of delivery of resource data. Just when you thought it was it, no! it is ever evolving system which continuously learns and adapts by addition of valuable data and sentimental analytics, space for error along with unsupervised insights.

What disruption can it thoughtfully cause?

The platform is said to be recognized as the one in enterprise support for speech transcription, offering higher accuracy than google and amazon. The AI transcribes voice from millions of calls each week and learn with each of it. SpeechNLP as they call it at many places picks up terms specific to your business, allowing for deeper insights and analysis. It detects silences in calls provided which are then analyzed to coach agents and new interns. The system in itself is self-reliant for checking on the scope of errors. They measure customers sentiments by recognizing all instances of strong emotions displayed towards the business and agents which helps in recognizing star agents and multiplying them by using insights and their methods in training. This also lets businesses reach out to unsatisfied customers. The nightmare of compliance of each call center is also taken care by the platform.


Hence, making the AI one of the most reliant and compliant platform which is instantly deployable on the current system of customer care all over the world. They have a backing of world class investors which can be a predictive insight in which way are the ships sailing and what kind of technologies business are deploying. The startup we presented today has that ting of standing out.

Ends The disruptors for this time with wonderful insights on an AI based startup, I hope you liked the cover and it was helpful, looking forward to your feedback and your say on this which you can definitely leave below.

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