
April 8, 2020

Innovate with Nature

Nature is one which is always in control and it takes seconds to become in charge, it is has been evolving over millions of years. It […]
April 14, 2020

The Renaissance of New Entrepreneurs

“The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.” Peter Drucker The words of man who knew how to market […]
April 26, 2020

The Disruptors – Spacemaker

Spacemaker is an artificial intelligence based and backed by Atomico which is a European venture capital with its major offices in Norway and USA. Spacemaker aims […]
May 18, 2020

A Programming Language Going Places

No! I am not going to talk about python or rubyonrails, the language getting ahead start and an adoption like anything is Golang. A languagedeveloped by […]